Most of my posts (with some exceptions) are not about things that happen to me,they're simply stories or thoughts that i hope hold a message within them...

Sep 1, 2011


god bless my Libyan brothers

The people have spoken!speaking from my country i'd say the libyan people have spoken their mind,they've said it, said what needs to be said.enough is enough,its time to change,time to push this country forward,landmark it on the world map.
I never liked the status of the country,i always complained about how things were and how i thought they should be,how we deserved more than what was given to us by our country.but i thought thats the way things were and will be,that libya was a 3rd degree country and thats its destiny.
And to be honest i blamed the people,i belived there was a certin set of genes in the libyan population that made them unbearable.i know that sounds egotistic but thats the way it was.
But.........i was proven wrong!my fellow libyans are just fine ,they were just as depressed about the way things were as i was.
The rebels had shown me that unlike me who wasn't even good enough to talk the talk (exept amoung the saftey of my home walls)they could walk the walk,and they walked it with pride.
They decided it was time to make some changes and they put their lives at stake to make them,they relized that changes dont come easy,that freedom and life with dignity had its price and they were willing to pay it.
So i admire and respect my country's heroes and for the first time i can honestly say  IM PROUD TO BE LIBYAN!