Most of my posts (with some exceptions) are not about things that happen to me,they're simply stories or thoughts that i hope hold a message within them...

Oct 13, 2010

first impressions :)

They say not to judge a book by its cover,i don't really believe that!the cover of a book could be either catchy or dull which kind of affects whether i pick it up or walk right pass it.
People on the other hand go both ways,you cant completely judge a person by their first impression,you never know what the circumstances were when you met.They could be acting just like themselves or they could be acting under the affect of anger or grief or whatever else they were feeling that may have altered their behavior.
But still,first impressions play a major role in determining the way you feel about a person,the rest is then achieved once you get to know them.Meeting someone good-natured and cheerful really leaves an impact on oneself.
And you never know sometimes something as simple as a smile or a kind word could be the key to opening a simple heart....

Sep 17, 2010

You cant get enough of what u dont really need! (inspired by Moez Masoud)

"MUM!!can i have a new pair of shoes?!"
"you already bought a new pair a couple of months ago!"
"exactly!!which means its been a couple of months since i bought a new one!"
"what happened to the pair you bought?"
"nothing.....its just.....remember my new gray outfit?well i need a pair of gray shoes to go with it!"
"wear your black pair!black goes with gray"
"come on mum!!i NEED a gray pair!"
"you don't NEED you WANT!and we cant go buying everything we want every time we want it,if we do we'll never finish..."

We all think we need more than we have.and alot of our needs are actually wants.that's why some people have miserable lives despite having all their needs,wants and alot more,because they just cant get enough.
while others bearly have their needs covered and yet feel like they're on top of the world,because they haven't opened the door for their wants to control them.
thus satisfaction is a treasure for who posses it... 

Sep 5, 2010


"Unbelievable!almost 100 channels and nothing to watch!!"
i started going through the channels again,this could honestly be the third or fourth time,yet they're still the same things i saw about an hour ago.
i threw the remote next to me,leaving an episode of a show which I've already seen twice yesterday.i repeat along with the TV as i get up.
in the kitchen i grab a pack of chips from the cuboard and a can of Pepsi from the fridge.i stop at my room to get my laptop,glancing at the pile of clothes my mum left for me to iron,,,"I'll do you guyz later".
in the living room i throw myself back on the couch,placing my snack next to me and my laptop in my lap.
scrolling down my facebook page,which seems as dull as the TV,i grab my Pepsi and start drinking.
"KILLING TIME" i write as my status,which is exactly what I'm doing.
But now that i think of it i think its time that's killing me,wasted time that is.a handful of hours passing unused each day,if put together could turn out to be whole days lost of my life....

Sep 3, 2010

who are we kidding?!

"did you keep ur hijab on?" "of course!!!!" "its just that some people take their hijab off when they go to non- muslim countries!"

That's what my Friend said when i told her about my trip to UK.

first of all,,,,Do i strike my friend as someone who would take their hijab off when they leave the muslim society?! i certainly didn't think so.....
secondly,,,,since when was wearing the hijab only an obligation when ur around muslims?being free to take it off when you switch to a non-muslim country where the majority aren't covering their heads.
is it just an act of following the crowd?wearing it when other people are and then taking it off when they're not,as not to stand out and have people watching u as an outsider.
i didn't even know people do that,i still don't believe they do.maybe my friend just said that basing her story on only one person she knew.I mean...who are we kidding??!!
Hijab is supposed to be OUR PRIDE,our sign of obedience that we force other people to respect us by.