Most of my posts (with some exceptions) are not about things that happen to me,they're simply stories or thoughts that i hope hold a message within them...

Sep 17, 2010

You cant get enough of what u dont really need! (inspired by Moez Masoud)

"MUM!!can i have a new pair of shoes?!"
"you already bought a new pair a couple of months ago!"
"exactly!!which means its been a couple of months since i bought a new one!"
"what happened to the pair you bought?"
"nothing.....its just.....remember my new gray outfit?well i need a pair of gray shoes to go with it!"
"wear your black pair!black goes with gray"
"come on mum!!i NEED a gray pair!"
"you don't NEED you WANT!and we cant go buying everything we want every time we want it,if we do we'll never finish..."

We all think we need more than we have.and alot of our needs are actually wants.that's why some people have miserable lives despite having all their needs,wants and alot more,because they just cant get enough.
while others bearly have their needs covered and yet feel like they're on top of the world,because they haven't opened the door for their wants to control them.
thus satisfaction is a treasure for who posses it... 

1 comment:

  1. its true, we waste our time thinking of what we miss and forget what we have.god bless u honey
